Saturday, December 12, 2015

Post-apocalyptic Disney nation cont.

Nickoli Karloff stood looking out of the window of his high rise apartment. The city below him buzzed with life. The sleek hover cars flew by like clockwork. If only everything worked as well as the hover cars. Always on time and never late. A spot near his ear vibrated. Nickoli looked up as he touched the spot.
"You better have good news." He said coldly.
"I'm sorry sir," the woman's voice on the other end apologized. "Things have become complicated."
"What kind of complicated?" Nickoli raised an eyebrow.
"He jumped time before he had set coordinates," she said. "And he may have taken someone important with him. I didn't see who it was."
"Tasha, do I have to remind you what will happen to me and, by default, to you, if you don't sort this out?" His voice became frosty and sharp.
"Don't worry, sir, I'll sort this." Tasha said.
"You better." Nickoli said, ending the call.

Jack wasn't sure how long he'd been out. The cave he found himself in was dark and patched with radioactive multi colored mold. For a brief moment, he wished the assassin had caught him. Then again, he'd be dead. At least while he was alive he could plot. Jack reached for his cane and found air. Ice gripped his stomach as he realized the cane had been left with Walt.
At that time, the discolored humanoid that had kidnapped him entered the cave. The creature was clad in primitive looking scraps of plastic material somewhat like a Kevlar bullet proof vest. At the point of his spear was a shard of rusted metal that looked like it used to belong to a car. At least that is what he guessed from the ripples in the metal.
"Immortal." The creature pointed his spear at him. "You come."
"Why?" Jack asked suspiciously.
"Come and you see," he growled.
He went to protest and the creature put the tip of his spear under his chin. Avoiding the rusty edge, Jack slowly stood. The creature then began prodding him down the radioactive passage.

Walt could hardly believe half the things that little boat did as they sailed across the sands. It didn't appear to run on any kind of fuel and while there was no wind, the boat still sailed like a speeding bullet. He was equally amazed as the princes kept up with the speedy craft. Suddenly the screen in front of the helm sprang to life. The face of the young boy they called imp was once again displayed.
"The great gulf is coming up," he said excitedly. "Can I pick the song?"
"My ship. My choice." The princess replied.
"Yes, but since I am forbidden to go out, I try to live through others." The imp replied.
"What song would you pick?" Walt called from his seat in the center of the boat.
There was a crackle as a screen appeared on the mast near Walt.
"And who is this?" The imp asked, appearing there.
"We picked him up in the waste." Princess called. "He calls himself Wat."
"Walt." The man corrected. "You sir, have fantastic eyes."
The imp turned his head bashfully at the compliment. His eyes were quite a sight to see. They were a deep purple with microscopic spirals of gold.
"I like you already!" He smiled.
"Imp if you're going to pick a song, pick a song!" The princess interrupted. "The gulf is really close."
"Aww yeah!" The imp shouted.
There was a burst of drums and an electric guitar.
"Can't stand it, I know ya planed it!" A voice shouted.
Then Walt saw something that made his heart drop. The horizon was approaching fast. The only reason it would be approaching that fast was that a cliff was there. A big cliff.  In his peripheral vision, he saw the princes pulling out their swords. Soon all five princes were running at the cliff with a sword in each hand.
"...I'm tellin Y'all this is sabotage!!"
The ground disappeared, the princes jumped, and Walt nearly lost his lunch.

"Welcome to games!" The creature on the stand roared.
Jack looked up nervously, already guessing why he was here. The walls of the pit rose around him, strongly reminding him of the roman colosseum.
"You fight!" The creature pointed into the pit. "We watch!"
Instinctively, Jack looked around. He was the only one in the pit but he could see barred entrances.
'Please don't be lions! Anything but lions!' He thought desperately. Two of the primitive creatures grabbed ropes attached to one of the gates. With creaking groans, they pulled the gate up. There were deep thumps in the sand as what ever stood behind the gate came into view. Jack stepped back nervously as an eight foot tall man stepped into the arena. For a brief moment, he wished for lions.

" do swords turn into wings?" Walt asked.
The five princes glided next to the boat on silver wings that had sprouted from the edge of the swords. The far away desolate ground stretched on for miles. Shattered ships, skeletons of what looked like great beasts, and the ruins of a few cities covered almost every inch of the desert floor.
"It's morphiuim," A pirate explained. "It's a bit unstable and slightly radioactive. Haven't you heard of it? It's pretty common."
"No. I seem to be out of my depth and far from a place I recognize." Walt replied. "It's fantastic! Could I have some to experiment with?"
"I don't think that's the best plan," the pirate said. "You have to have all sorts of shots to work with it. It puts some people to sleep and, in some cases, they don't wake up."
"You mean it kills some people?" He asked, alarmed.
"No. They simply sleep forever." The pirate shrugged.
"Wall HO!" The princess shouted. "Prepare for docking!"
Walt looked up. A Great Wall stretched up miles high and across the horizon. Near the top of the wall were large round windows spaced about a football field apart. The magnificent little craft alighted towards one of these windows. As they neared the window, Walt could see a rather victorian London looking chap standing at the glass. A regular Charles Dickens character.
Receiving a signal from the princess, the artful dodger pulled a series of levers causing the big glass porthole to open outwards. The boat sailed through the open glass and gracefully landed in the landing frame.
"An thas ow its done, boys!" The man's accent fit him perfectly.
After the princes had flown in, he worked the levers to pull the window closed. Walt, still a little stiff, disembarked from the boat with the pirates. Bursting with 1000 questions, his attention was drawn to the other side of the wall.
"Wow!" He said as he leaned against the railing.
This side of the wall contrasted sharply with the desert. A great forest stretched as far as the eye could see, lush and green and full of trees. The forest started about a half a mile from the wall. In the distance he thought he could see the faint outlines of a castle tower sticking out of the trees.
"What's that out there?" Walt asked pointing towards the tower.
"Tha' would be Villainia." The man pointed in a different direction. "They willa be taken ye to headquarters. Tha' direction."
"Hmm. Can you tell me what happened to make that desert out there and this paradise in here?" He asked.
"Tha be a long story, sir..."
"Walt, or what ever your name is," the princess called. "The train to Main Street is coming! We need to catch it to get back to headquarters!"
'Villainia and Main Street?' Walt thought as they made their way to the station. 'What kind of place is this?'

Post-apocalyptic Disney nation K

"Who's Mr. Crowley?" Zarina asked.
"No one really knows. We just know he has a free pass to anything Disney any time he wants." Shahid replied with his Indian accent. "It's one of those company mysteries."
"Or he could have hacked the system." She replied.
"Yes, but that's much less mysterious and magical." He returned to his computer terminal. "Also, no one has ever been able to prove he shouldn't have free passes. Just throwing that out there."
"Hmmm. You know, I once worked for a private investigator as his client screener." Zarina implied.
"Ooooh! A woman after my own heart!" The man pulled up a file on his computer. "I have been cross checking all the regulars and the cameras when this Mr. Crowley appears in the system."
Shahid pulled up several pictures.
"I am beginning to think he might be a woman..."
"Doesn't his account have a picture?" She asked, scrolling through his web of possibilities.
"No. And the computers are programmed to delete his picture. At least the ones at the entrance." He indicated his files. "Which is why I have been checking all other cameras."
"Well, I certainly know what I'm doing with my spare time," Zarina smiled.

60 years ago..

Walt Disney walked around his park, surveying the construction. The park was nearly done. Workers and costumed characters practiced their rounds and their acts. People all around were looking busy and the opening celebrations were starting to look fabulous.
It was at this chaotic time that Walt discovered a young man sleeping inside one of the mad hatter's tea cups. He had dark hair, wore black slacks with a dark red button up shirt and black vest, and appeared to be in his mid twenties. Walt stared at him, wondering what department he should fire him from. Drawing a blank, he decided to wake him up and ask.
"Hey buddy," Walt tapped him on the shoulder.
"Wuzz... I didn't..." The young man mumbled.
Walt tapped him a little harder. The young man jolted awake. He looked around confusedly for a moment before noticing the older man standing next to him.
"Hmmm. Where am I?" He asked sleepily.
"You are in the mad hatter's tea cup ride in the yet to open Disney land." Walt replied. "May I ask what possessed you to fall asleep here?"
"I uh... honestly, it seemed a peaceful place to stop," he said. "Sorry if I've inconvenienced you. I'll be on my way."
"Well wait a minute fella!" Walt put up a hand. "If you don't work here, who are you and what are you doing here?"
"Oh, I'm sorry," a soft accent entered the man's voice. "I'm not from around here and I've been traveling for quite some time."
"You're English yes?"
"Welsh actually." The young man replied.
"And is this cane yours?" Walt asked, picking up the cane in question.
"Yes. Please don't touch it." He tried to grab for it.
"Not until you tell me your name." The older man held it out of reach. "I know you've been avoiding telling me."
"Jack Theodore Crowley." He held out his hand. "Give me my cane."
"Alright, here." Disney handed him the sleek black cane. "So, what's your story, Mr. Crowley?"
"None of your business." The young man said, climbing out of the overlarge tea cup.
"I rather say it is my business." He folded his arms crossly. "My park. My business."
Jack groaned internally. Not only had he made contact with someone, he had chosen someone with influence. He rubbed the round handle of his cane before turning to the man.
"I take it you are none other than Walt Disney?" He asked, not really wanting to hear the answer.
"Yes I am," Walt smiled.
"Well, it was nice to meet you but I've got to go." Jack casually started walking away.
"Wait a dang minute!" He followed after him.
"Please leave me alone."
"No way! You're a crazy mystery and I intend to work you out!" Walt trotted a little to keep up.
Walt wasn't the tallest man and Jack wasn't exactly the shortest. The older man reached the height of 5'10 while the younger man stood at 6'4. Jack glanced at him over his shoulder.
Little did either know, a sharp woman in black combat clothes was watching them. After they passed her, she slowly began following them. She moved like a cat, unseen by the other workers rushing about. The agent had been hunting her target for quite a while now. No need to announce her presence and scare off her prey. After all, she needed to be 100% sure.
"Look, sir." Jack said, rounding on him. "I'm not supposed to be anywhere near here. If I get caught-"
"Caught by who?" Walt inquired.
" dangerous..." He tailed off catching sight of the woman following them. "I have to leave."
"What's wrong?" Walt asked, looking around.
Because his back was turned, he didn't see Jack twist the top of his cane. However, he did see the woman snarl and leap at them. Then something very strange happened. Walt could feel his body try to recoil from the feline woman but he felt frozen. His vision blurs and streaks of lightning tear the fabric of reality apart. Suddenly he tumbles to the ground and everything went black.

Jack woke with a splitting headache. Radiated dust filled his lungs. At least he woke up. Worse things could have happened. Then he turned his head and saw Walt lying a few feet to his right.
"Oh no!" He moaned. "I've killed Walt Disney!"
A strong hand grabbed his shoulder. Jack turned to see a rather ugly face scowling at him. The man's hair was sticking up from the stray electricity in the air and his skin was red and turning purple in places. The few teeth he had were yellowed and his tongue was turning green.
"Immortal." The ugly face growled.
"What?" Jack asked, cringing at the foul breath.
"You are immortal." The face growled again.
"I don't know what you're talking about," he coughed.
"You struck by mighty lightning." The creature insisted. "You are fine. You are immortal!"
With that the creature grabbed him with both hands and began dragging him away.
"No wait! I have to help my friend!" Jack struggled against his iron grip. "Walt! Walter! Wake up Walter!"
Failing to free himself, he grabbed a rock and threw it with all his might. The stone bounced off the older man's back. Much to Jack's relief, the still man stirred and half opened his eyes.
"Wake up Walt!" He roared, quickly being pulled away from ear shot.
Annoyed with all the shouting, the creature thumped Jack on the head. For the second time, he blacked out.

Something thumped Walt on the back. He looked up and could see blurry shapes and thought he could hear someone shouting his name. He rubbed his face to clear his eyes. Looking around he saw that he was in some desert wasteland. It reminded him of Bryce Canyon however there was not a speck of plant life to be seen.
Walt tried to get up and was pushed back down by a splitting headache. He must be really hung over if he couldn't remember how he got here and had this bad of a headache. The sun glinted off something shiny about a foot from his right hand. He reached and picked it up slowly. The dark shaft of the cane registered in Walt's mind.
"Mr. Jack Crowley." He muttered.
A sound then reached the man's ears. It sort of sounded like skiing. Like some smooth craft was gliding through the sandy paths of the desert. Walt managed to lift himself up on his elbows to see a very strange sight.
The craft was a small boat, enough room for about five people. However, there was more than five people coming his way. There were five in the boat working the complex sails and guiding the fantastic craft through the rocks. About five more people were running around the craft. Not only were they keeping up with the swiftly moving craft, they were leaping over it, doing flips, and generally looking like a circus parade with one float.
Walt stared at the display in fascination. The five running around were dressed like... Arabian princes or some kind of genie. Billowy, brightly colored pants, bare feet, and open vests. The five in the craft looked almost like Arabian pirates. As far as he could tell nine of the party were male. The curves that graced the tenth figure marked her as female.
The party had noticed Walt lying half raised on the ground. With graceful, dancing movements, the craft turned and the runners moved to circle him. The princes drew swords and pointed them at Walt. The pirates stopped their craft and drew pistols. The only woman in the ten stepped away from the helm and jumped out of the boat. She stopped in front of him.
"Who are you?" She asked.
"I'm Walt." He sighed, still enchanted by the display. "Who are you?"
"Where are you from?" She asked, ignoring the question.
"I could tell you if I knew where I was." Walt said, starting to get a cramp in his arms.
"Don't trust him, princess," a rather buff prince said. "He looks like an Ambler. And you know how they are."
"Oh, you're a princess?" He shifted onto his side.
"You are on thin ice, Ambler." The buff prince put his sword to Walt's neck.
"Down Toko," the Princess warned. "You know Amblers don't give names, real or fake."
Toko, the buff prince, glared at the man and slowly removed his sword.
"Good boy." She looked at Walt closely. "You look old. What's an old man like you doing out here all alone in the wasteland?"
"Wasteland? I wasn't alone..." He said noticing all ten of them looked to be in their twenties. "I don't know what happened to him."
A second prince, this one a bit scrawny, ran around the edge of the alcove. He leapt up on some rocks and looked over the edge.
"A Gresh was here." He called. "It looks like it was dragging something away."
"At least he was telling the truth about that." The princess remarked.
"But why didn't the Gresh take him?" Toko asked.
"I don't know," Walt said. "I don't even know what a Gresh is."
Just then a screen on the side of the ship came to life. A round faced boy appeared on the screen. He whistled to get their attention. The princes and pirates turned.
"Boys," the face said. "My lady."
"What do you want, imp?" The princess asked.
"To tell you, fair lady, that your crew are in danger of a radiation spike headed to your location." The boy said calmly.
"Grab him." The princess pointed at Walt. "We'll finish interrogating him later."