Saturday, June 20, 2015

Metallic Locket- Interpretive Stories

 Metallic Locket


Kya didn't like sneaking about her father's room. She didn't like the secrets either. That's why it bothered her so much to sneak into her father's room just to look at the secret object. A metallic locket. Sounds ordinary enough, except when you realize there was practically nothing metallic in Felra.
   The young girl fished the thin chain from behind the mirror. The delicate silver heart at the end of the chain sparkled in the light. She stared at it for a moment. Carefully, she slipped her fingernails in the thin crack on the edge of the heart. The small lock it opened, revealing the picture inside. Suddenly Kya realized she wasn't alone. Clumsily, she tried to hide the locket and glanced up to her father. He is aqualine features look down at her sadly. His sharp ears even seem to droop a little. Kya looked down, tears sting her eyes.
"I'm sorry, Papa." She sniffled.
"Its alright," the wood elf said as he sat down next to her.
The two sat in silence for a moment.
"Who is she?" Kya asked, opening the lock it again.
Her father gently brushed her wild hair from her heart shaped face. He blinked tears back and his voice caught.
"She was your mother." He whispered.
Kya looked at the picture with new interest. The woman had wild curly hair and large brown eyes. She looked kind of like someone who would garden.
"What happened to her?"
"She wasn't well," he said quietly. "I did my best to save her. But her season was over."
Kya felt a pang of sadness. She supposed it would happen more if she had known her. Her eyes wander to the picture and she noticed something she hadn't noticed before. Her mother's ears were rounded.
"She was human?"
"Yes." Her father replied.
They remain silent for a few more moments. She offered the locket back to her father.
"No. It's yours now," he said.
She let her father place the silver chain around her neck. Neither spoke because neither of them knew what to say. The feeling in the room was almost tangible. It was a quiet holy feeling. As if there was a presence they didn't want to chase away.
Kya rubbed the locket between her fingers. Her father gently put his hands over hers. His slender fingers pointed at the intricate carving on the case.
"Decision, determine, destiny." He said each word slowly.
A chill ran down her spine.


Brian opened the shop doors. The little bells dangling on the door handle jingled and a little head popped over the counter.
"How may I help you?" The little old man smiled.
"Just looking for now, thanks." Brian replied. He looked through the glass counter at all the fine jewelry.
"One thousand, two thousand dollars. Ouch! These are not cheap." He said to himself.
He went over to a spinning display in the center of the store. Checking the price tags he saw that they were way too cheap. Brian sighed. The little old man appeared next to him.
"What is the occasion?" he asked and startled Brian.
Brian took a deep breath to calm his racing heart from the scare. "It's my wife and mine's first anniversary. I wanted to take her somewhere special but my job won't permit it. I thought I could get her something really nice instead. Do you have anything that isn't too expensive?" The old man stood there for a bit rubbing his chin in thought then a big smile came across his face. 
"I think I have just what you are looking for." He said.
He went back over to his main counter and pulled out a small wooden box. "Ah, here we go." He open the box and pulled out a chain with a locket attached. The metallic sheen made it look brand new. "Don't be deceived, my friend, this locket is a lot older than you think." He handed it to Brian.
The detail of it was gorgeous with fine carved swirls as if every line was placed precisely where is needed to be. As he had began to open it the old man snatched it from his hands. "Ah ah! Can not spoil the surprise now can we?" He said shaking his pointer finger left to right.
"How much?" Brian asked.
"This is a pretty special piece my friends almost priceless... But for you... two hundred dollars. Brian looked at the man then down at the locket. When he held it it felt so perfect. He looked back at the little man.
"You got yourself a deal." He reached out his hand and they shook on it.
As Brian was leaving the store the old man followed behind as far as the store doors and waved with a big grin on his face. "Don't forget to let her open the locket!" He hollered. Brian waved back in acknowledgement.
*    *    *

Cindy stood in front of the mirror just finished what makeup she had left. She heard a knock on the bedroom door.
"Honey can I come in?" Brian's voice was heard on the other side.
"Yes just putting on my earrings." She replied.
He came in and stood right next to her looking at her through the mirror. "Wow! You look beautiful tonight." He wrapped his arms around her.
"Thanks, I'm ready to go now, you did make a dinner reservation right?" She asked.
"Yes I did."
"Alright let me just grab my jacket..."
"Here Cindy, before we go..." Brian pulled out a small present. "Happy anniversary, Honey." He handed her the gift, she then opened it to reveal the spiral locket. 
"Oh Brian, it's perfect." She leaned in close and kissed him on the lips. She look back down at the locket and opened it. Bright lights beamed from the locket, it was so bright it blinded everything around it. When the lights subsided Cindy and Brian were gone. The locket fell to the ground closed.
The door creaked open. The footsteps could be heard getting closer to the locket. A hand reach down and picked up the locket and brought it to their face. The little old man laughed.
"Well, my friend, you have taken her somewhere special." He grinned and slid the locket into pocket then left the room.

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