Sunday, July 12, 2015

FanFic- Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Time

Chapter 1

“If I can’t be with him, please let me forget…”

         “Vina….Vina, VINA!!” Yelled a loud gruff voice. Waking up from the noise, a little girl rolled out of her bed quickly and ran to get ready. “You’re going too late!!” Yelled the loud voice once again. Still half asleep the girl put on her blue tunic and then brushed her long white hair with a sheen of blue. She rushed out the door. “Vina wait!! You forgot to do something!” A large man with dark grey hair, beard, and mustache had followed after her outside. They little girl turned around with a smile and ran back to the old man, she looked into his gentle green eyes as he does into her little violet eyes. He knelt to the height of the girl, ”Vina, Have a great day at school and don’t forget, today is your birthday so come right home afterwards. ” She giggled and kissed the man on the cheek.

“Goodbye Uncle Indo” She said with a pure light voice ”I’ll be home before you know it.” She turned and ran.

         Vina is a Hylian who had been living in Holom with a retired Sheikah, Indo, since she could remember. She had been going to the regular school for the past two years but never really made a true friend, she was the smartest one in the class, she would know about a lot of things even if she’d never even seen or studied before and for that she had become an outcast in her class. Overtime she learned to put those feelings aside. Especially for today, Vina will turn 7.

         Vina walked through the school doors, “Happy Birthday.” Said Ms. Lan, the school teacher.

“Thank you.” Vina smiled and then headed to her desk.

“Today class, we will be learning about the Kokiri children, they are the people of the forest who protect the trees and the earth, and they also live along side with fairies. What is even more special about them is that no matter how many years pass by they stay as children. If you saw ever saw one of them, you would think that they should be in school with all of you.”

“I want to be one!” yelled a boy with a terrible runny nose. “Then I could play all day long with the fairies!” He sniffed as he looked off into the distance imagining that sort of life. Some of the other children start doing the same.

“It wouldn’t be all fun and games,” The teacher tapped a book on the little boys head “There are still responsibilities that must be taken care of. For instance, food must be gathered and chores must be done. The Kokiri also believe that they can never leave the forest for it would bring misfortune or death.”

“Never mind, I don’t want to be a Kikori anymore” the boy shuddered.

“It’s Kokiri. Also, it's said that a little over seven years there was an event that took place where a Kokiri boy did decide to leave the forest because a fairy never came to him, even though the others tried to talk him out of it he still left and the Great Deku Tree, the Kokiri’s guardian, master, and father past away and the forest started to die but thankfully a new Deku Tree has since sprouted in its place and the forest is returning back to normal.” A big sigh of relieve filled the class room but for Vina it was different.

After hearing the story the teacher had told Vina felt a nagging feeling inside of her, usually she knows most things but this feeling of forgetfulness was agonizing for her.

         During the break, while all of the kids went out to play, Vina stayed in her desk thinking. “Giaaa!!” Her head started hurting. Ms. Lan, who was alarmed by her screaming, ran to Vina’s side.

“Vina, what’s wrong?” she asked. Vina started to feel dizzy. “I’ll go get some water.” The teacher got up and ran to the wash room. Vina vision started to blur, she tried to get up but she collapsed onto the floor, she attempted to open her eyes but the world went black.

         “Listen to my words, the words of the Deku Tree... Dost thou sense it? The climate of evil descending upon this realm... Malevolent forces even now are mustering to attack our land of Hyrule... For so long, the Kokiri Forest, the source of life, has stood as a barrier, deterring outsiders and maintaining the order of the world... But...before this tremendous evil power, even my power is as nothing. It seems the time has come for the boy without a fairy to begin his journey... The youth whose destiny it is to lead Hyrule to the path of justice and truth...
...go now! Find our young friend and guide him to me... I do not have much time left. Fly, fly! The fate of the forest, nay, the world, depends upon thee!”

         “Nooo!!” Vina sat up, tears streaming from her eyes. Ms. Lan holding a damp cloth jumped from the sudden surprise. Indo was there too, holding onto Vina’s hand. “What happened?” Vina asked.

“You passed out on the floor.” Ms. Lan started to explain. “While you were out, you kept saying ‘Don’t die’ and ‘Deku Tree’”. Vina looked over at Indo who had an extreme look of worry on his face. But she could tell that it wasn't the passing out that is making him worry, it was what she said while she was out. She still has that empty feeling inside of her but instead of thinking that it’s something she can’t remember. It’s something that is being hidden from her and she wanted to find out what it is.

         Ms. Lan decided that it would be better if Vina just went on home with Indo. On the way home Vina thought about the words that she heard while she was out. She had never been to Hyrule but she did know that it was a neighboring country. She didn't know how long it would take to get there.

“I must go to Hyrule, I must warn the ruler, and I have to find the Kokiri boy without a fairy” she whispered to herself.

“What did you say?” Indo asked

“Nothing, just thinking out loud” She looked up and smiled. Indo smiled back but he still had the worry look on his face.

         Once back, Indo started on dinner for the special night while Vina on the other hand started a run-away bag. She had decided that this night she would leave on her journey to Hyrule no matter what the cost was. When dinner was ready they both acted as if nothing happened that day, Indo made a great meal to celebrate her birthday, He was cheerful as ever but then all of a sudden his tone changed and looked over to Vina.

“Your thinking about today aren't you?” Indo asked

“What?! No, no! Why would you think that?” Replying with a very unconvincing grin, startled by the sudden question.

“Look Vina, I know what you said on the way home, and you have a very straight-forward mind, even for your age.” He got up and headed over to a small chest. He pulled out something wrapped in a purple cloth. “I hoped I would never have to give you this but it was to be given to you only if strange events were to start happening. I fear that they have just begun.” He then handed the item over to Vina. She looks at him with a confused look and then looked back down and started unwrapping it. She then beholds a dagger, with the unique colors of purple and green.

“What is it? Where did you get this?” She asked with a more confused look on her face.

“It’s a special dagger that was blessed for you from a couple of special women. They said that you would know what to do with it when the time comes. Oh if you could only see how beauty they are.” Indo scratched his head, blushing, looking off in the distance. It only lasted a few seconds until he was serious again. “I know your planning on running away tonight. I peeked into your room and saw you packing your things.” Vina was scared, but took a deep breath and looked back at him with a stern face.

“I have to go, I know it is my destiny. I have never felt so strongly about anything before.”

“I know you do, I know you are only seven but you are different, special beyond belief, I know you can handle the journey yourself.”

“Other uncles would think you’re insane”

“Other uncles don’t know what you’re capable of” he smirked back. “But to give comfort to your old uncle’s heart, take the dagger on your journey.”

“I will” She giggled.

          After that Indo helped her pack and made a small sheath for her dagger. “Goodbye uncle” She said while giving him a big hug.

“Vina, I know you are capable of a lot of things but please be careful.” He hugged her back with tears running down his eyes. He rubbed his eyes and cleared his throat “The next city is a quite a ways to the west but it borders the land of Hyrule, someone there could help you find your way.”

“Thank you!!” Vina waved goodbye and then turned and started walking. Tears flowing down her cheek.

         “You have cared for her well, Indo” A deep woman voice said, Indo turned around

“Impa” He said tears down his cheeks looked at her angry “I thought she was going to stay with me for a bit longer… Why now!?”

“I’m not sure myself but maybe it is because of time

Time? He said confused”

“Yes, time. Perhaps time is in trouble once again.” She answered back.

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