Saturday, April 9, 2016

Beaten chandelier cont.

Bobby sat at his computer, tapping the keys thoughtfully. He pulled up the search bar and typed in one word; Lyon. A few files appeared. None of the images fit the face of the perpetrator. Then he noticed the last file didn't have a picture readily available. Curious, he clicked on it.

"Something is happening..." A voice in the dark. "Rogue, investigate."

The file was certainly about Lyon. The pictures matched, but the name was wrong. Instead of Lyon it was Löwe. He wondered why that was. He studied the picture in front of him. The man had a pit bull like face and closely shaved hair. Those black eyes almost seemed to draw him in.
"What cha looking at, Bobby?" His partner's voice made him jump.
"Oh um, I found our perp." He said. "Looks like he already has a record."
"How did you find him?" Marie asked. "It's not like we had his name."
"I took a snap shot of him." Bobby indicated the barely visible mechanism by his eye.
"You don't miss a trick, do you Bobby," she smiled. "So, who is... Fitz Löwe?"
They scrolled through the information.
"Dang. This guy is a regular gangster," Marie's mouth dropped open. "How many murder charges is that?"
"Too many for him not to be in prison." Bobby rubbed his face. "Oh here's the prison sentence. Aaand the record of his escape."
"So when we nab this guy, what do we do? Shoot him? Nuke him?"
"Well, we could try tranqing and digging a hole to the center of the earth... However, nuking him sounds safe." He said. "But before that, we need to catch him."

"We need to stop him." The voice was as black as the darkest night.
"Yes sir," Rogue's  voice almost seemed light in comparison.
"I want Lyon destroyed. However, if Bobby happens to be alone with him at any point..." The voice seemed to rage like a storm. "Much more could be lost that way!"
"I will stop him." Rogue promised. "Send me and I will stop him."

No one on 5th avenue noticed or really cared about the well dressed man that emerged from a manhole in the alley. He straitened his suit coat and examined his refection in a shop window. The man determined that he had one of those permanently youthful looks and was devilishly handsome.
 "You sir, are a demon to be reckoned with." He said, pointing at his reflection.

The man known as Lyon walked down state st. He adjusted his coat in an attempt to lessen the pain in his shoulder. He had tried to clean the blood off his coat and had bandaged his shoulder as best he could. To heal entirely, he needed darkness.
Lyon marched quickly down the subway stairs. He moved through the crowd, shoving the occasional person out of the way.
"Oi! Watch it pal!" Some one shoved back.
Certain he was unobserved, Lyon jumped off to the subway tracks and walked off into the darkness. However, a security guard happened to look up as he jumped off the platform. Rather than follow the man into the darkness, he decided to call it in.

"Come on Marie," her partner grabbed his coat. "We've got a lead."
"Where was he seen?" She asked.
"The subway tunnels on state st." Bobby replied.
"Should we call for back up?"
"And let him know we're coming?" He asked. "No way. He'd kill everyone."

Bobby and Marie stood at the edge of the platform. Neither really wanted to be first to brave the dark tunnel.
"Look, you haven't got all day." The security guard said. "The train will get here soon. Get going."
"Right." Bobby touched the camera next to his eye, setting it to record.
Without another word, the two jumped off the platform.
"Are you as scared as I am?" Marie whispered as they walked down the tunnel.
"Scared? Me?" A rat ran past his feet, making him jump. "Yes."

Something moved in the darkness, waking Lyon from his sleep. He opened his eyes slowly. The red glow from his eyes was muted by the dark.

"Run!" A dark figure shot past the two cops.
"Löwe?" Marie said as she aimed her flashlight at the running figure.
"Train!" Lyon turned and called back.
Bobby was suddenly aware of his shadow. Not bothering to look back both of them booked it. The tunnel shook with the roar of the train as is sped down the rails. A screech tore the air as the brakes were pulled. The light behind them grew as sparks flew and the train came closer. Bobby's chest ached, starving for air as he ran. As the two cops drew closer to the light ahead of them, they realized they could see the perpetrator running in front of them.
The heat from the train was making Bobby's hair stand on end. He could almost feel the air behind him parting for the massive hunk of metal. Light washed over him as he began to feel his legs give way. Giving it one last leap, Bobby closed his eyes not wanting to see the grim reaper cut him down.
Suddenly something hit him from the side, propelling him off the tracks. The world was turned into a mayhem of grass and sound thumps to the head. Bobby wasn't sure if he had actually stopped rolling or if his head was still spinning. He pressed his head into what he thought was the ground and waited for it to stop spinning.
"Hey, Bobby boy," a voice cut his ears. "You still alive, Bobby boy?"
"Are you the devil?" He asked into the ground.
"Nope, but I'm pretty close." Lyon's voice seemed to smirk.
Bobby looked up to see the man he was chasing sitting on a stump, his foot resting on a still Marie. He grabbed his revolver.
"Now now, lets not be too hasty," Lyon pointed Marie's revolver at her still form.
Bobby froze, his gun half drawn.
"Right. So what's your game Löwe?" He asked, watching him carefully.
"Say my real name and I'll tell you," the man's smirk grew wider.
However if Bobby had been looking at his eyes he would have seen a battle raging there.
"Your name is Fitz Löwe," he growled. "You're a murderer, thief and saboteur."
"Right on all counts but one and you know it!" He cocked the revolver. "What's my name, Bobby boy?"
Bobby stared at him for a minute. Lyon stared back at him with a rather impertinent look.
"Lyon." The cop spat.
"Good." Lyon disengaged the trigger. "Now, Bobby boy, we need to talk."

A well dressed man stepped off the chaotic train. He looked at the smoking rails and the stopped train still halfway in the tunnel. People looked out the windows in concern and a few old ladies cried. Only the conductor knew what had happened. Only he knew how close the train had come to ending three lives. He couldn't shake the feeling that something had wanted them to die. The train hasn't reached full speed yet and had fought the brakes like a bull. It was almost like it was possessed...

"First point to you, Lyon." The well dressed man turned and stepped into the shadows of the train tunnel.

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