Sunday, March 6, 2016

Post-apocalyptic Disney nation cont. 2

Back in the present...

Being a security guard at Disneyland had some perks and a few downsides. You got to work for Disney, see all the characters, and, if you were a people watcher, watch people from all over the world. The downsides were holiday crowds, angry patrons, and lost children. Now that Zarina thought about it, sick children might be the worst. Parents had gone out of their way, parted with a good bit of money only to have the lucky kid barf himself senseless.
She scanned the crowds, hoping to find a suspicious character. Though in this crowd... finding herself would be a miracle. Then she spotted a rather attractive looking man walk into the fastpass lane for the Indiana Jones ride. The line wait was about 20 minutes but it was still less than the hour for the regular line. Then Zarina noticed something strange. The attractive man, she knew it was him because he was wearing a very red shirt and black waistcoat, exited the ride ten minutes later.
"Shahid, can you access the cameras in the Indiana Jones ride?" She asked into her walkie talkie.
"Yes ma'am," he replied. "Who am I looking for?"
"A rather attractive man with a red shirt and black waistcoat." Zarina said. "He just left the ride."

Jack Crowley was not a violent man. His entire family prized a calm and composed nature. Only one of his many brothers and sisters actually considered any kind of violence. So being placed in a sand pit with an eight foot opponent with an axe... Jack was pretty much at a loss of how to deal with the situation. However, not at such a loss that he couldn't avoid an axe.
The horrible creatures watching the spectacle hooted and howled in approval as the axeman came closer with his swings. Jack knew this situation couldn't be sustained as he would tire faster than the axeman. Which would then lead to proving that he was not immortal by any stretch. Also, without his cane he had little option but to fight back. Searching for a weapon, Jack ran his hands through the sandy floor. His hand caught on a sharp object. Dodging the axe again, he quickly drew the object from the sand.
Much to his horror, Jack found he had pulled out a bone about a foot long. Sure it was sharp but to get past the axe...and then land a hit... The axe whipped past him, barely missing him. Thinking fast, Jack grabbed the shaft of the axe and swung himself at his opponent. His feet connected with a thump. And he bounced off like a kitten.
"Omph!" Jack grunted as he landed in the sand.
The axe came flashing down. The man rolled to get out of the way. The blade crashed down and Jack's eyes widened. He looked down. The tip of the axe was buried in his side. Blood began to ooze from the wound. No one else could see but Jack knew there would be a few flecks of blue amongst the red. The axeman picked up his weapon to strike again. A switch then flipped in Jack that he was unaware that he had and he jumped into survival mode.
Time seemed to stop as he jumped up, wielding his bone. His blue eyes flashed as he dodged past the axe. With a practiced stroke, he cut a line across the axeman's torso. Using his momentum, Jack circled round the tall man and dug the bone into the back of his knee. Crippled, the tall man fell sideways and crashed to the ground. The spectators cheered as he leapt onto the big man's chest and raised his bone to strike. Jack looked into his opponent's eyes and saw something that woke a long forgotten memory.

Twelve years ago (for Jack)

The little boy stood in the middle of the room crying. He looked to be about three and his light brown hair was sticking up everywhere. Tears streamed down his red face. People passing by either averted their eyes or looked to see where his parents were. They were no where to be seen because this small sobbing child was lost.
Jack, on his break, noticed the small boy. He looked around, surprised that no one was stopping to help the poor child. Brushing off his dark pants, the man stood and walked over to the little boy.
"Hey, hey," he said quietly. "Are you alright?"
"Nooo!" The boy sobbed.
"Where are your parents?"
"I dunnooo!" He started to cry louder.
"Hey, it's ok" Jack crouched down. "Look, we'll go find them. Would you like that?"
The boy nodded, choking on a few sobs.  With a smooth motion, he picked up the small boy as he stood up. He carefully dried some of the boy's tears.
"Now, where did you see them last?" Jack asked kindly.

Suddenly Jack was returned to the present as the air was driven from his lungs. The eight foot terror had sensed his hesitation and acted. Stumbling to his feet and hoisting his axe, the axeman favored his left foot. Jack held his bleeding side as he stood, getting his breath back.
'Well, I clearly can't kill him.' Jack thought. 'So... I guess I'll have to prevent him from killing me.'

Walt was riveted to the window on the strange futuristic train. The sleek bullet like train cut through the forest silently. So far, he had seen Indians, a medieval gypsy camp, what appeared to be some knights, and a strange dark figure with a bow. Then Main Street station came into view. The station was ornately carved and painted in bright pastels. Something about it seemed familiar. The train glided into the station and the party disembarked.
A short figure ran up the station steps to greet them. After the three and a half foot boy had bowed to the princess, Walt recognized him. It was the face on the screen they called imp.
"Well, hello!" Walt held out a hand. "I don't think I caught your name, my fine young sir."
"Hear that princess? He calls me young!" Imp pointed at the man proudly. "I'm Ioan Ceadre."
"Mr. Ceadre, are you aware that you have a tail?" The man asked, seeing a flexible appendage swinging back and forth.
"Yes. Call me Ioan," he bowed. "Now come this way! I've got lots to show you!"
Ioan ran towards the steps. Walt followed him, noticing his feet were bare and didn't seem right. The creature, an imp he now realized, leapt from the stairs to a lamp post. Gripping with his tail and toes, he gestured at the scene before them.
"Welcome to Disney Nation!" Ioan proclaimed with a sweep of his hand.
Then everything clicked for Walt. This Jack had some how torn reality and spirited him away. Whether in time or a twisted reality he wasn't sure.
"Dis... Disney what?" Walt asked, rubbing his face.
"Disney Nation," Ioan replied. "One of the safest nations ever since the apocalypse."
Time then. A great deal of time.
"I... I need to find Jack."

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