Sunday, March 6, 2016

Post-apocalyptic Disney nation cont. 3

In the security room at Disneyland

"You would not believe what I just saw!" Shahid said.
"Do keep me in suspense," Zarina rolled her eyes.
"Alright, alright!" He practically hyperventilated. "Your man reaches the beginning of the line and ( without stopping) the camera jumps and he is at the front of the line."
"Let me explain again.."

Walt wandered down Main Street in almost a daze. The majority of it was exactly as he created it. There were a few additions and something seemed to be missing but it was overall the same. The oddest thing he observed however was that the people walking around acted like normal people rather than tourists.
"Come on Walt," the imp called. "We've got to arrange papers for you."
"Papers?" Walt asked, trotting after him.
"Yes papers." Ioan said. "If you want to go anywhere past Main Street, you have to have papers.
"Hold on fella, all I want to do is go find my friend!"
"Well look, Walt, I don't make the rules, follow?"
"I know you don't," the man interrupted. "But I'm worried about him. And the princess said he'd been taken by something."
'And' he thought, 'the less I know about this place the better.'
"Taken? Wait, was he," Ioan stopped and turned. "Was he taken by a Gresh?"
"I think that's what they said, yes." Walt said. "Is that a bad thing?"
The imp balanced on his left foot and flexed his toes.
"Ok, here's the shimmy." He said. "You go to the emporium and get your papers then meet me by the dapper dans. I've got a... I'll explain later."
With that, the imp dashed off. Walt stared after him for a moment and turned towards the emporium.

After his strange encounter with a rather crusty gentleman in a bright yellow pinstriped suit, Walt now had papers. At least he supposed this comfortable, close fitting wristband held the necessary information. As he walked towards where the dapper dans were singing, he noticed that everyone seemed to either have a wristband similar to his own or arm band or in rare cases a necklace. Upon reaching the dapper dans, he realized he didn't recognize the song they were singing. Walt watched them for a moment, enjoying their talent and how similar they looked to the boy's he had hired.
"Hey ,Walt." A voice next to him whispered.
He looked around and remembered that his friend was short and looked down. To his surprise, he found himself looking at the top of a fuzzy brown bear creature.
"It's me!" The little bear looked up to reveal Ioan's face. "I'm in disguise."
"Why?" Walt asked.
"Because you have to jump through hoops to get permission to go out." He adjusted a back pack he was wearing. "I've got one for you too. Come on!"
"Wait a minute!" The man called as he followed the little bear. "You don't plan to put me in a bear suit too, do you?"

Walt watched the forest whip by as the... pod racer thing they were riding sped along faster than the train. The long fur on his suit billowed almost like seaweed. Ioan told him it wasn't a bear suit but he was certain he had made up the word Wookie. Still, it had taken a lot of convincing to get him to put on the hairy suit. The face paint wasn't so bad but the suit was making him itch.
"So, Ioan." He started. "Are you really a fairy?"
"A fairy? No. They have wings." Ioan replied.
"I mean are you really a magical creature rather than human?" Walt corrected.
"Oooh. That's sort of difficult to explain..." He drummed his fingers on the controls for a moment. "Before the apocalypse, or the war they say ended the world, people could decide what they wanted to look like. That knowledge was lost after the war. And the alterations stuck and, I guess, became races."
Walt rubbed his face for a while, processing this information. The future was much crazier than he could have ever imagined.
"So, you're human. You just look different because of the choices of your ancestors?"
"That's the basic idea, yeah."
In record time, they reached the wall. The pod glided to the portal as the engines ran down. The Charles Dickens character that manned the portal folded his arms expectantly. As they landed, Walt could see that the man was the same one he met on the way in. He leaned against the controls for the portal with an amused look on his face.
"Well, well," he laughed. "A Wookie and an Ewok lookin ta go out. I wunda if that's good ole Ioan under there. Ye wouldn't ta be tryan to sneak out woul'ya?"
"Now, Olie!" Ioan jumped off the pod, looking rather silly in his bear suit. "Would I come all this way to sneak past you?"
"Yeah, ye would now." The man replied. "Why do ye wanna break probation and who's your Wookie friend?"
"Walt." The older man held out his furry had.
"Oh, yer the one tha' patrol brought in eh?" Olie said. "Eager ta leave already?"
"No, I'm just worried about my friend-" Walt started.
"And we're just going out to fetch him." Ioan interrupted.
"Hmmm. Woteveah," he rolled his eyes. "Ye know da toll."
"Right...." He said quietly. "Sorry in advance, Walt."
The little imp cleared his throat, paused and made a strange sound. For all the world, it sounded like a yawning/stuttery growl.
"What was that?" The older man laughed.
"Tha' was a Wookie bellow." Olie said. "You're turn."
"You wanna leave wiv-out permission you gotta pay da toll." The portal operator said. "You wanna leave, you gotta Wookie bellow."

"Hey you," the man at the desk said. "You're late for your shift."
"Yes I am." Jack said apologetically. "It won't happen again."
"You know I have a problem with that." The man held out a hand.
"I don't understand?"
"You're a time machine. You're physically capable being anywhere at any time." He glared at him. "And you waste time with a little kid."
"Excuse me! Am I not allowed to have feelings?" Jack asked, affronted.
The man leaned forward and flicked him in the forehead.
"You're a computer wrapped in a meat suit." He said condescendingly.

The darkness that had enveloped Jack shattered in a burst of light. He cracked his eyes open. Multicolored figures were running around and a tall figure was looking up. Silhouetted by a hole in the roof of the cave was a whirring metal craft. A shape detached from the craft and lowered towards him.
"Is that a Wookie?" Jack croaked.

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