Sunday, April 1, 2018

Hunter Cont: 2

Toby exited the pub with a slight buzz in his head. His troubles temporarily forgotten, he enjoyed the night air and cool breeze. Humming quietly to himself, he began to meander home. Walking past the docks, Toby saw a silhouette in the moonlight.   He thought it was rather poetic looking until he recognized the scarf on the figure.
"Nope!" Toby tried to hurriedly stumble away.
Scott caught him as he tripped.
"Are you alright, Toby?" The even tones sent a chill down his spine.
"I thought you were done with me." The semi drunk sailor replied. "What do you want?"
Scott smiled. He tried to make it non threatening, but being who he was, he failed. Miserably. 

"Toby Rowe, it's been ages!" Lord Pierce shook his hand enthusiastically. "What brings you to my door? Did you gamble your life away again?"
"Or made a deal good or bad that you think I should know about."
"I know, you've struck gold!"
"Sir, will you let me speak?" Toby asked, annoyed.
"Well, have you anything new to say?"
"Yes I have."
"Then say it!" Darien said.
"You owe me."
"I said new things Toby..."
"Yes," he replied. "And I've never called in this debt before."
"What debt?" Darien picked up a quill and began writing something on a piece of paper.
"The Constelyon."   
Silence fell like a bad smell.
"What did you say?" He tried to look calm.
"You know very well what I said, lord Pierce." Toby's eyes glinted dangerously.
"Why? After all these years, why bring that up now?" He stared at his desk, unable to meet the sailor's eye.
"Call it delayed gratification." Toby smiled.
"And what exactly do you want from me?"
"The shipping line I work for needs a sponsor."
"No. I don't care if you tell the world I murdered Bill Chase. I will not pick up the shipping business again." Pierce growled fiercely.
"I'm not going to tell the world!" Toby laughed. "I'm going to tell your wife. Just her."
Pierce paled. He tried to find words, any kind of argument. His shoulders slumped as he realized the only thing he cared about was keeping that secret from her.
"Do we have a deal?" Toby held out a hand.
"Yes." He said the word like it was poison.
As they gripped hands, the older sailor's sleeve pulled back a little. Pierce saw a half healed scratch disappearing up the man's arm. The sight of it sent an icy chill up his spine.

"He agreed." Toby said, rubbing the scratch on his arm. 
"So, what's the next step?"
"Getting him on the ship," Hunter replied.
"Uh-huh... And the point of all this is?" 
"You know, you could get revenge simply by killing him," Toby said delicately. "Or telling his wife what he did."
Scott made a strange face as he thought about that. Toby thought he saw a brief flash of humanity in those eyes. Then suddenly the hunter went still. A green fog settled around the man's eyes. Moments later, the fog vanished.
"No. The plan is good." Scott said distractedly.

Toby felt a chill run down his spine. Something eerie was going on here. 

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