Sunday, April 1, 2018

Hunter Cont: 3

Lord Pierce hadn't had a nightmare for a long time. He had almost forgotten that people have them. So when he found himself standing on a dock surrounded by fog, he didn't realize he was dreaming. Confused at how he came to be there, Pierce stood on the dock and looked around. In the deep fog, he couldn't tell which direction was the shore and which was the sea. The silent fog curled around him.
"Hello?" Pierce called.
A muffled echo replied.
"Hello?" He called louder.
The echo sounded again, this time it was more distorted.
"Hello!" He shouted.
"Hello." This was not an echo.
Pierce jumped and whirled. There was a figure in the fog. He couldn't tell who it was but he instantly felt that he knew him.
"Who are you?" Pierce asked. "Show yourself!"
"Hello Darien." The figure growled, stepping into view.
"You." He gulped dryly. "You're dead."
"You can't even say my name can you?" The apparition's voice was filled with anger. "You murder me and you can't even say my name!"
"I-I... I'm sorry..." Pierce stammered as he backed up.
"Say my name." He growled. 
"I-I can't..."
"You murdered me!" The ghost shouted. "The least you can do is say my name!"
"Bill! I-I'm sorry Bill!" Lord Pierce screamed. "I'm sorry!"
"No you're not." Bill put his face close to the other man's. "You just don't want to die."
"No. I don't want to die!" He whimpered. 
"You won't yet." The ghost took one step back. "I've got other plans for you."
"What do you want with me?" Pierce asked.
Bill smiled and began to fade away.
"What do you want with me?!" He shouted.

Lady Elaine shook her husband. He thrashed and growled a few times. Wanting sleep, she slapped him awake. Pierce shot upright.
"What was that for?" He asked.
"You were sleep talking," she replied. "I want to get a bit of sleep."
"What did I say?" Pierce asked nervously.
"I haven't an idea," Elaine replied, already falling back asleep.

Ezekiel stood at the docks again. This time the young man wasn't alone. His father was looking over a ship he was thinking about financing. Little did the young man know that his father was being black mailed into financing this ship. Toby Rowe also stood there, admiring the Great Alexzander. 
“Do you really have to go?” Josephine asked.
“It won’t be forever.” Ezekiel stroked her face. “We’re just going to Brazil and back.”
“Yes, but if I went with you,” she smiled. “We’d never have to come back.”
Lord Pierce looked over the side of the ship. 
“What do you think, sir?” Toby called up to him.
“She’s a good ship.” He replied, his face ashen. “I’ll do this run to Brazil but that’s it. Nothing more.”
“Ah, don’t you worry sir!” Toby laughed. “You’ll take to this trip like a fish to water!”
“When does the Great Alexander sail?” Lord Pierce called.
“A week from now.” The low tones of Scott made them jump.
“Uh yes… A week from now!” Toby called up to Lord Pierce. 
“A week,” he sighed. “So be it.”

That week passed like a breath. Lord Pierce did everything he could to get out of his obligations. However, everyone knew he had given his word. Backing out now would just bring up unwanted questions. Very unwanted questions. 
The waves gently rocked the Great Alexander. Ezekiel had already boarded and was running around the deck. Lady Elaine and Josephine were at the docks, waiting to see them off. All that remained was for Lord Pierce to board and set sail. 

He flexed his toes in his boots. The creak of the deck caused him to look down. Something bothered him about the wood under his feet. An uneasy feeling curled at the back of his mind. Suddenly needing to be away from the dock, Lord Pierce marched up the gangplank and boarded the ship. 

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